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"Unleash Your Creative Freedom With The Editing Techniques That Give You The Power To Bend Photographic Reality To Your Every Will And Desire In Photoshop"
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Ultimate Photographers Guide To Creating Stunning Composites In Photoshop
Next Level Composite Landscapes
When you take the Next Level Composite Landscapes course you will master the advanced image compositing techniques in a way that actually sticks - no matter your current level!
Learn These Powerful Compositing Techniques And Concepts To Unlock Your "Inner Creative"
How to pre-visualise your finished composite landscape before you invest valuable editing time on images that just won't work. There's nothing worse than spending ages perfectly masking an element into your image only to realise down the track that the composition doesn't work. When you follow my best practices and workflow for composite landscapes, you'll know with 100% certainty that a composition will work BEFORE you spend time meticulously masking each element into the scene.
Discover how to effectively re-light composited elements so that the light AND shadows behave correctly as if it were part of the original scene. Get this part wrong, and it creates one of those tell-tale giveaways that "something's not right" about your composite!
Learn the entire end to end process for creating a completely new landscape from scratch. From sketching and blocking out ideas and compositions, to putting the finishing blending touches to your entirely fabricated "fantasy" landscape, you'll have what it takes to turn out entirely unique images at will. (Don't worry, you don't have to be able to draw or have any kind of artistic background for this to work!)
The one thing you must do right at the start that makes the rest of the compositing process so much simpler. The entire look and feel of your finished composite landscape will depend on this ONE decision you make right at the beginning.
Discover the concept that is the glue that holds your entire composite landscape together. Understand this and know how to implement it in your composites, and you have the key that unlocks ultimate depth and realism.
The rules of light and shadow that you need to follow if you want your composite landscape to appear realistic and believable. The common advice to "make sure the light is coming from the same direction in all your elements" is valuable advice, but there's a lot more to creating cohesive lighting in your composite landscapes than this alone. Learn the subtle intricacies that will set your results apart.
How to create depth in your landscapes with effective use of layering. Did you know you can push an element back or pull it to the front of your scene without changing it's actual position or size? This is how you can de-clutter an otherwise busy composite and set your elements apart on the Z axis.
How to perfectly cut out, mask, and clean the edges of elements so you can cleanly paste them into your composite landscape. Creating fantastic composites often requires a lot of GREAT masking and cutting out, but not every method is best in every situation. Learn a suite of techniques and tips that provide you with the tools you need to create clean, crisp cut-outs every time (and then how to treat those perfect edges to stop them looking digitally cut out!)
The smart way to use smart objects that simplifies the whole process of cutting out and masking in each element into your composite landscape (and I'm not just talking about being able to alter smart filters, which is what smart objects are usually used for 99% of the time).
The simple technique for blending elements into a scene that seems so easy it feels like cheating!
How to stay organised when creating composite landscapes so you can be efficient with your time and energy when layers and adjustments start to pile up!
How to accurately match colours when bringing numerous elements from different photos into your composite landscape so they actually look like they are part of the scene. 
How to create completely new elements from simple cut-outs and textures from other images with clever use of Photoshops Transform tools and effective colour matching and lighting effects
Practice What You're Learning With A Host Of Exercises Designed To Help Cement These Techniques And Strategies In Your Mind
Learn and practice how to go from this: 
To this:
Practice Manipulating Light And Shadow
In this exercise, see how the seemingly simple task of enlarging a rock affects the light and shadow that is cast upon it and the other rocks. There are lots of "rules" at play here - can you spot them all in the screenshots below?
See How The Sausage Is Made With Step By Step Breakdowns Of The Full Process Across A Number Of Example Composite Landscapes
"The Island" Walkthrough
From basic sketch to finished image, see the entire process step by step showing how I created "The Island" from scratch, bringing together a handful of source images to create this image: 

The Island was created from these three source images. You can download them all and follow along step by step! 

"Rockland" Walkthrough
Here's what my creatively titled image "rockland" looked like after masking all the elements into the scene and arranging the composition. Scroll down to see the finished blended image...
And here's the finished version of "rockland" after tying all the elements together through creative control of colour, lighting, depth, and more.
This is just one of the examples I'm walking you through to show exactly how it was made (and you can download the PSD file too!)
Austinmer Headland Composite Walkthrough
Here's another example I'm showing you under the hood in Photoshop. Starting out with blending two images to create the bulk of the composition then bringing in a new sky from another scene, here are the two main components of the scene: 
And here's the blended composite with the new sky and more applied: 
Unnamed Image Composite Walkthrough
Ok, I never claimed to be creative when it comes to naming my images! And I don't claim that I can help you with naming yours :-) But this course will help you create awesome composite landscapes!
This is one I made just for the fun of experimenting and seeing what's possible.
In this walkthrough I show you exactly how I brought together a number of elements from various photos to create the finished result below:
And just out of interest, here is the image I started with when creating the above.
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